Our Daughter

Thank you for your prayers!

Friday morning, we called our agency and officially accepted the referral we had received one week before.

Our daughter…OUR daughter…is now waiting for us to bring her home to be part of our forever family!

This process has been so long, and we still have a wait ahead. Our agency tells us it will be 9-12 months before we can go to India and bring her home. So, we are praying for the shorter end of that projection and are hoping to have her home for Christmas!

For privacy reasons, we can’t give much information online at this time other than she’s beautiful and is less than two years old. Please pray the Lord gives us patience in the months ahead! We are resting in the fact that our great God is with this little one even when we can’t be there to hold her and love her yet. He sees her, loves her and will care for her!

Another Big Hurdle

We also completed another HUGE part of this process: mailing off our Dossier to our agency. For those who may not know, a “Dossier” is months and months worth of paperwork about your medical history, finances, plans for adoption, family life, medical tests and evaluations, background checks, birth certificates, passport copies, letters from your children, pictures of your family and house and more. Most of it all has to be notarized and apostilled. If you’re like me and had no clue what “apostilled” meant, I’ll explain. It’s simply when you send off your notarized document to the Secretary of State for the state in which the document was notarized so they can verify your notary is indeed an authorized notary. Yeah…it’s a lot. In our case, we mailed documents off to 8 different states.

Well, it’s finally completed! Here’s a picture of the finished stack (minus the color copies we had to make of our photo pages-hence the sticky notes hanging out the sides) before we mailed it all off inside Ziplock bags on Saturday, taking no chances of anything getting water damaged.

This now means that we can start on the rest of the paperwork to bring her home! Here’s where we stand right now:


It looks like a lot still, and it is, but we are more than half way through this process, so, Lord willing, the remaining check marks we need won’t take nearly as long as the first six. The next check mark is for when we receive her original files from India (expected timeframe to get these is 4-6 weeks).

Please keep praying for us, for our daughter and this process, and if you see us around, ask to see a picture of our daughter!

9 thoughts on “Our Daughter”

  1. “Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised!”
    We are so happy to know your daughter is there waiting for you. May the Lord sustain you all is you as you wait to be united.
    Praying for you!
    Debbie and Dave


    1. Hi Connie! I can’t add you in myself, but if you scroll down to the bottom of the blog page, you’ll see a button on the left where you can add your email. Let me know if you have any problems! Thanks for following our journey! 🙂


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