Three Months and Three Days!

Three months and three days ago we accepted the file for our little girl and said we wanted her to be in our forever family.

Three months and three days ago we were told it would take 9-12 more months to bring her home.

Three months and three days ago the reality of finishing up the buckets and buckets…and buckets of paperwork needed for India hit home as over a year of our life in gathering documents, notarizing and apostilling soon came to a close.

Three months and three days ago we began the wait for Indian court where it would be decided if we could adopt her or not.

Three months and three days ago we settled down for what we thought was going to be a very, very long wait.

Fast forward three months and three days…

Today, when my phone rang, I held my breath, as I do every time I see that Virginia number pop up on my phone. Our Family Coordinator only calls when there is news.

Had we finally be assigned a court date?!
Were we going to have to travel to India for court?!
Was the court requesting more paperwork from us before they would hear our case?!

Again, our God is so much bigger than we can even comprehend! His steadfast love has carried us through this process…

…and today’s call was no exception!

22736556_ml.jpgToday, we discovered that not only had our case been heard in court (unbeknownst to our agency, Family Coordinator or us), but we “passed” court!

Our little girl is official ours!!!

The projected 9-12 months to bring her home is now looking more like 4-6 months…from our March 22 match date!! So, that means we could have her home by the end of September!

There is much to do between now and then, and our lives just took on a completely new reality, so, please pray that the final details (visas, her passport & birth certificate, final paperwork, travel plans) all come together in God’s perfect timing. He has shown once again that this process is completely in His hands, and we trust and know that she is safely there as well. We feel a bit like Job when he said, “I know that You [God] can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2).

Thank you to the many who have given in love, encouragement, prayers and finances to bring us to this point. YOU have been a part of this journey with us!

More blissfully, joyful, overwhelming tears are flowing today…

…and I’m sure it won’t be the last time!


10 thoughts on “Three Months and Three Days!”

  1. Praising God for His handiwork!!! We are continuing to pray for all the details. Can’t wait to meet your daughter!!!


  2. Our GOD is GREAT GOD!! πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’–πŸ’– 8/11 πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ


  3. So happy to hear your good news! We will keep you in our prayers as all the details come together. May God be praised!
    Love you!


  4. I am so happy for your family and know that you were all destined to be in each other’s lives. I can’t wait to see this little one’s life unfold under your love and guidance.


    1. Thanks for sharing in our joy and excitement, Jaime! Never would I have imagined this past year and a half for our lives, but God always knows what is best, and it is his love and guidance that will continue to lead us in the years ahead.


  5. Oh Frank and Tori – that’s so exciting!! The faith and assurance of knowing God is in full control of every situation is one of the wonderful gifts he has given his children! Will continue to follow your journey as you prepare for giving this little one your love and care. you and yours.


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